
Happy Pacific Leatherback Day! Leatherback nesting season has begun!

Today is Pacific leatherback day! We’re happy to report that the 2018-2019 leatherback nesting season has begun!

In September, we heard from friends in Costa Rica that a leatherback was spotted off the coast, which indicated that they had arrived off nesting beaches to find mates and get ready to nest.

On 1 October, the first nesting leatherback this season was spotted in Parque Nacional Lagunas de Chacahua, in Oaxáca, México.

Then, on the night of 9 October, the first leatherback nested in Playa Grande, Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas in Costa Rica.

As of today, Laúd OPO network partners have reported nesting in Baja California Sur, Chacahua, Barra de la Cruz, and Tierra Colorada, México, and in Costa Rica. And, partners in Nicaragua have begun construction of hatcheries at Veracruz de Acayo and Salamina beaches to open the nesting season.

We’re hoping that this activity is a positive sign for a good season!

We will keep this space updated with news from the region throughout the nesting season. Check back soon for an update!

La Red de Conservación de la Tortuga Laúd del Pacífico Oriental comenzó en 2012 cuando más de treinta investigadores, ONGS y expertos de la región se reunieron para desarrollar un plan de acción para estabilizar y recuperar la población de tortugas laúd en el este del Pacífico.