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Juan Fernando Pesántez Muñoz
Juan Fernando Pesántez Muñoz

Marine biologist and Research Projects. Founding Member and Director of the Fundación Contamos Contigo Ecuador. Ocean Technician and Educator at the “Reina Laúd” Turtle Camp. President of the Sustainable Ocean Alliance Ecuador Hub Manabí. He works on research and conservation of sea turtles and research on the problem of microplastics. He is a speaker and spokesperson at national and international events (talks, courses, seminars, etc.) and an ocean educator to raise awareness and educate communities, environmental networks, and academies.

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The Eastern Pacific Leatherback Turtle Conservation Network started in 2012 when over thirty researchers, NGOs, and regional experts came together to develop an action plan to stabilize and restore the leatherback turtle population in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.