Bryan Wallace
Bryan Wallace

Bryan is a bilingual collaborative conservationist and co-coordinator of the Red Laúd OPO.  His work integrates primary research, collaboration, and facilitation to assess how people affect natural resources and develop strategies for resource management within limited budgets. He has experience in collaborative projects related to research and wildlife monitoring management in various geographies, mainly in Latin America. He has worked with many actors, colleagues, and partners during his career, and he has learned that balance between perspective and priorities is the key to effective science and successful conservation solutions. He is also a father, husband, nature addict, front-yard gardener, photography enthusiast, and an avid conservationist/conversationist. He lives in Colorado, United States, with his wonderful family and lots of sunshine.

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The Eastern Pacific Leatherback Turtle Conservation Network started in 2012 when over thirty researchers, NGOs, and regional experts came together to develop an action plan to stabilize and restore the leatherback turtle population in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.