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Astrid Jimenez
Astrid Jimenez

Astrid has a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from the National University of Piura – Peru, and in 2011 she was selected to be part of the ProDelphinus project “Tools to Promote the Conservation of Seabirds in the Piura Region.” Since then, she has joined the ProDelphinus team, monitoring top predators as an observer aboard artisanal fishing vessels and collaborating with environmental research and education initiatives. Currently, she is the representative of ProDelphinus in the city of Piura and directs the Radio Conservation program based in Piura. Since 2016, she has been part of the International Society of Sea Turtles. She is fully committed to the conservation of marine birds, turtles, and mammals, and she is interested in environmental education projects with an emphasis on marine conservation.

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The Eastern Pacific Leatherback Turtle Conservation Network started in 2012 when over thirty researchers, NGOs, and regional experts came together to develop an action plan to stabilize and restore the leatherback turtle population in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.