The strategic role of the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) is based on the ability to generate, develop, and transfer useful knowledge that allows our country and the national industry to position itself, competitively and sustainably, in the aquaculture and fishing sector, especially for their research of high public value. IFOP develops comprehensive consultancies for decision-making in Fisheries and Aquaculture, and research projects on the status and evaluation of sustainable exploitation strategies, estimation of total allowable quotas of resources of commercial interest, evaluation and monitoring of benthic resource management areas, hydrobiological health programs, environment and repopulation and crops, and an aquaculture and fisheries knowledge node with an emphasis on digital preservation, access and knowledge visibility. Thanks to the work of IFOP, the State has the necessary information to manage and regulate the capture of resources, establish integrated management of fisheries, deploy a management model and technical assistance, develop sustainable aquaculture and fishing, and protect the documentary scientific heritage.